nedjelja, 6. studenoga 2016.

Isogen DWG Attribute Link Extension

Intergraph Process, Power & Marine support has posted Isogen DWG Attribute Link Extension ( for CADWorx Plant Version 2017. This Tool/Utility is now available for download from Intergraph's Customer Response System. Further information about what is contained in this Tool/Utility is available in the download description on the Freeware Tools and Utilities page.

To access this update, please follow the steps below:
  1. Logon to Intergraph's Customer Response System at
  2. Select the View Downloads tab.
  3. Select CADWorx Plant.
  4. Select Freeware Tools and Utilities.
  5. Select the file Isogen DWG Attribute Link Extension (
If you have trouble accessing this Tool/Utility or need further information, please file a Service Request for CADWorx Plant 2017, and an analyst will be happy to assist you.

Thank You for being an Intergraph Process, Power & Marine customer!

srijeda, 2. studenoga 2016.

CADWorx Service Pack Release Announcement

Intergraph Process, Power & Marine support has posted CADWorx Plant 2016 SP3 ( ( for CADWorx Plant Version 2016. This Service Pack is now available for download from Intergraph's Customer Response System. Further information about what is contained in this Service Pack is available in the Readme File link shown in the download description on the Service Packs and Fixes page.

To access this Service Pack, please follow the steps below:
  1. Logon to Intergraph's Customer Response System at
  2. Select the View Downloads tab.
  3. Select CADWorx Plant.
  4. Select Service Packs and Fixes.
  5. Select the download icon or the file link of the Service Pack.

ponedjeljak, 24. listopada 2016.

CADWorx Plant and Structure 2017 Object Enablers

Intergraph Process, Power & Marine support has posted CADWorx Plant and Structure 2017 Object Enablers ( for CADWorx Plant Version 2017. This Tool/Utility is now available for download from Intergraph's Customer Response System. Further information about what is contained in this Tool/Utility is available in the download description on the Freeware Tools and Utilities page.

To access this update, please follow the steps below:
  1. Logon to Intergraph's Customer Response System at
  2. Select the View Downloads tab.
  3. Select CADWorx Plant.
  4. Select Freeware Tools and Utilities.
  5. Select the file CADWorx Plant and Structure 2017 Object Enablers (
If you have trouble accessing this Tool/Utility or need further information, please file a Service Request for CADWorx Plant 2017, and an analyst will be happy to assist you.

Thank You for being an Intergraph Process, Power & Marine customer!

srijeda, 19. listopada 2016.

Sufinanciranje kupovine softvera

ek i minpoObavještavamo Vas da je objavljen natječaj
Cilj natječaja je jačanje regionalne konkurentnosti temeljem razvoja malog i srednjeg poduzetništva odnosno razvoj novih kompetencija i otvaranje novih radnih mjesta.
Prihvatljive aktivnosti: 
  1. ulaganja u materijalnu i nematerijalnu imovinu:
  • priprema zemljišta;
  • krčenje zemljišta;
  • trošak gradnje, rekonstrukcije, modernizacije zgrada, poslovnih prostorija, drugih objekata i njihovog neposrednog okruženja i okoline, direktno povezanima s rezultatima projekta;
  • komunalni doprinos, cijene vodnih i energetskih priključaka, trošak uporabne dozvole;
  • nabava novih strojeva, opreme, alata, radnih vozila te s njima povezani troškovi aktiviranja, transporta, montaže i stavljanja u pogon, ako ih u pogon stavlja dobavljač;
  • troškovi montaže opreme i strojeva također su prihvatljivi ako su prikazani na istom računu s nabavljenom opremom te predstavljaju sastavni dio nabave opreme;
  • ulaganja u mjere energetske učinkovitosti, povezana sa svrhom projekta;
  • nabava mjernih uređaja povezanih s projektom;
  • troškovi informatičko-komunikacijskih i audio/video rješenja (hardver i softver) koji su izravno povezani sa svrhom projekta;
  • nabava patenata, autorskih prava, znanja ili drugih vrsta intelektualnog vlasništva, ako udovoljava čl. 7 Programa potpora.
  1. potpore za savjetodavne usluge  mogu se dodijeliti za troškove savjetodavnih usluga koje pružaju vanjski konzultanti i koje nisu vezane uz stalne ili periodične aktivnosti, a uključuju troškove: usluga upravljanja projektom; usluga provedbe javne nabave za potrebe projekta; usluga izrade natječajne (javna nabava) i provedbene dokumentacije (npr. izvedbeni projekt); usluge revizije za verifikaciju troškova projekta.
  2. Potpore za sudjelovanje na sajmovima, mogu se dodijeliti za troškove nastale za najam, uređivanje i vođenje štanda pri sudjelovanju poduzetnika na određenom sajmu ili izložbi s ciljem predstavljanja proizvoda koji je rezultat investicije za koju je odobrena potpora.
  3. Potpore za usavršavanje, se ne mogu  dodijeliti  za usavršavanje koje korisnici provode radi osiguravanja sukladnosti s obveznim nacionalnim normama o usavršavanju.
  4. Potpore male vrijednosti mogu se dodijeliti za troškove pripreme natječajne dokumentacije za projekt ulaganja, troškove vezane za implementaciju sustava grijanja i hlađenja te troškove vezani za aktivnosti promocije i vidljivosti projekta ulaganja.

Prijavitelji: pravne ili fizičke osobe koje su mikro, malo ili srednje poduzeće
Minimalan iznos sufinanciranja iznosi 300.000 kuna
Maksimalan iznos sufinanciranja 30.000.000 kuna.
Intenzitet potpore: 35% za srednje poduzetnike i 45% za mikro i male poduzetnike
Rok za ovaj trajno otvoreni Poziv počinje teći od 1. lipnja 2016. godine i traje do 31. prosinca 2016. godine.

PV Elite® Webinar: Tools and Configuration

There are several powerful tools that increase the productivity of PV Elite. With these tools, you can extract valuable information for a vessel. However, these little-known tools are rarely used, if at all.  

Attend this fun and informative webinar that gives you insider tips you can use in your daily workflows. Learn the shortcuts that will help you build a model faster and more efficiently.

When: Thursday, October 27, 2016 - 5:00pm CEST

CAESAR II® Webinar: Better Piping Design Engineering with “More Applicable Data”

Would you like to learn about the scope and general effects of upcoming changes currently planned to be included in the Non-Mandatory B31J – Standard Test Method for Determining Stress Intensification Factors for Metallic Piping Components?

Please join experts from Intergraph and Paulin Research Group who will review the latest information from ASME Document STP-PT-073 on Stress Intensification Factors (SIFs), flexibility factors (k-factors), and Sustained Stress Indices (SSIs) used in the ASME B31.3 design code and how to easily evaluate and implement these in your next pipe stress analysis.

When: Monday, October 24, 2016 - 5:00pm CEST

Appendix J for the ASME B31 Codes

Appendix J for the ASME B31 Codes will be published soon.  Be prepared for it, and know what it means so that you can improve you piping designs sooner rather than later!

Monday, October 24, 2016 - Joint Intergraph and PRG Webinar!

How "More Applicable Data" will significantly change 
the future of Piping Design Engineering!

For more information on this Webinar and to quickly register, please read the Intergraph ICAS Insider Blog by clicking on the "Register Now" button shown below!

utorak, 18. listopada 2016.

See the webinar video: CADWorx Structure 2017 Pre-Release

CADWorx® Structure 2017 Pre-Release Webinar

Thank you for your interest in our first CADWorx Structure webinar. When you are ready to view the recording, please visit the blog post.

Just a quick reminder,
CADWorx Structure will be available for shipping in early November.

Contact your local sales representative for details.

četvrtak, 13. listopada 2016.

FEA Training Seminar

3 days left to sign up!
Research Group
FEA Training Seminar October 17-21, 2016

There are still a few days left to register for our upcoming FEA Training Seminar!

Paulin Research Group's Fall FEA Training Seminar will start on Monday, October 17, 2016.

The detailed brochure for this course can be accessed by clicking on the following link: BROCHURE

This information can also be found on the Seminars page of our web site at:

More information about Paulin Research Group can be found on our website

srijeda, 12. listopada 2016.

What's New in CADWorx Plant Professional 2017

The Intergraph® CADWorx® & Analysis Team is pleased to invite you to the upcoming CADWorx webinars. Register NOW for free and see how you can benefit!

Intergraph Webinar: What's New in CADWorx Plant Professional 2017
CADWorx Plant Professional 2017 is only a few weeks away from shipping! Get an early preview of the new capabilities and enhancements included in this release and how they can help you execute project workflows more effectively. From exciting new CADWorx Plant features with tremendous impact on design and data management efficiency, to visualization product updates, you don’t want to miss this webinar.
When: Tuesday, October 25th – 5pm CEST (10am CDT)  

CADWorx Structure 2017 Pre-Release

The Intergraph® CADWorx® & Analysis Team is pleased to invite you to the upcoming CADWorx webinars. Register NOW for free and see how you can benefit!

Intergraph Webinar: CADWorx Structure 2017 Pre-Release

CADWorx Structure 2017
will be available to you soon, and we would like to show you a preview of how to start utilizing this new solution from Intergraph to increase your efficiency in building models of plant structures, pipe racks, offshore topsides, and much more.

This solution has been developed with structural-focused end users in mind at every decision point and includes the targeted tools needed to create revenue-driven structure models very easily and quickly.

When: Thursday, October 13 – 5pm CEST (10am CDT)  

petak, 7. listopada 2016.


Dear All,

We are happy to announce our upcoming Intergraph® Get Smart Webinars. The webinars will feature topics
such as the launch of new CADWorx® Structure, enhancements in information management in SmartPlant® 
Fusion and project control best practices with EcoSys EPC
Please either register or Save the Date for the webinars to learn more. 

You can also visit our event page for the latest information about the upcoming webinars.


CADWorx Structure 2017 Release Webinar
October 13 2016, 5:00 p.m. CEST

CADWorx Structure 2017 was released on September 30, and we would like to show you how to start 

utilizing this new solution to increase your efficiency in building models of plant structures, pipe racks, 
offshore topsides, and much more.
Register here.

What's New in CADWorx Plant Professional 2017
October 25 2016, 5:00 p.m. CEST

CADWorx Plant Professional 2017 is only a few weeks away from shipping! Get an early preview of the

new capabilities and enhancements included in this release and how they can help you execute project
workflows more effectively.
From exciting new CADWorx Plant features with tremendous impact on design and data management
efficiency, to visualization product updates, you don’t want to miss this webinar.
Register here.

Increasing the Value Delivered with Intergraph Smart 3D™ To-Do List
Tuesday October 11, 9:00 a.m. CDT
Tuesday October 11, 4:00 p.m. CEST

For the upcoming Intergraph Smart 3D 2016 release, Intergraph has worked to improve the information

provided by the To-Do List in order to make To-Do List information cleaner and easier to manage and 
implement into the model. Watch this webinar to learn more.
Register here


PV Elite: Tools and Configuration
October 27, 5:00 p.m. CEST
There are several powerful tools that increase the productivity of PV Elite. With these tools, you can 
extract valuable information for a vessel. However, these little-known tools are rarely used, if at all. 
Attend this webinar and learn the shortcuts that will help you build a model faster and more efficiently.
Register here.


What’s New in SmartPlant® Fusion 2016 R1
Thursday October 13,  9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. CDT

Intergraph SmartPlant Fusion integrates many leading information organization and visualization

technologies, transforming unstructured and unintelligent information into an intuitive solution for
all plant personnel. Intergraph has now released SmartPlant Fusion 2016 R1 featuring user requested
enhancements and innovative capabilities.
Learn more about the new benefits. 
Register here.


EcoSys EPC™ - Business Case for Project Controls Software

Thursday November 17, 10:30 - 11.30 a.m. CEST
The Business Case for Project Control Webinar will highlight how an effective software tool can
dramatically increase the efficiency of project control and cost control stakeholders, and drive project
performance success.
Save The Date

An Introduction to EcoSys EPC
Thursday December 15, 10:30 - 11.30 a.m. CET

This webinar will showcase the basic configuration of EcoSys EPC™. This will give you, the audience,

an understanding of how EcoSys EPC can work with you, and support you to address the daily
challenges your project engineers are struggling with. 
Save The Date

EcoSys - The Evolution of Cost Reporting
Thursday January 12, 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. CET

The Evolution of Project Control & Cost Control Reporting Webinar will show you a new set of 

out-of-the-box and ready-to-use reporting features and functions. This has been created to relieve
project control stakeholders from the stress of reporting on projects performance.
See how a quick trip through automation and rule-based data processing can turn a nightmare
into a pleasant and efficient process.
Save The Date 

ponedjeljak, 29. kolovoza 2016.

FEA Training Seminar October

Paulin Research Group's Fall FEA Training Seminar will take place on October 17- 20, 2016.

Every course offered provides 8 hours of Professional Development Hours (PDHs) per day of instruction.

Based on additional customer interest, we are now offering a new, 1-day session on ASME Section VIII - Division 2 ("Design by Analysis") that will follow our standard four-day FEA Training Seminar.  (Friday, October 21)

The detailed brochure for this course can be accessed by clicking on the following link: BROCHURE

This information can also be found on the Seminars page of our web site at:

If you have any questions or would like to register, please contact the PRG sales team by sending an e-mail to or by calling us at 281-920-9775 or 713-412-9733.

Thank you in advance for considering us for your training needs, and we hope to see you very soon!

utorak, 16. kolovoza 2016.

Service Pack Release Announcement

The Intergraph Process, Power & Marine support team has posted for CADWorx Plant Version 2016. This Service Pack is now available for download from Intergraph's Customer Response System. Further information about what is contained in this Service Pack is available in the Readme File link shown in the download description on the Service Packs and Fixes page.

To access this Service Pack, please follow the steps below:
  1. Logon to Intergraph's Customer Response System at
  2. Select the View Downloads tab.
  3. Select CADWorx Plant.
  4. Select Service Packs and Fixes.
  5. Select the download icon or the file link of the Service Pack.
If you have trouble accessing this Service Pack or need further information, please file a Service Request for CADWorx Plant 2016, and an analyst will be happy to assist you.

Thank You for being an Intergraph Process, Power & Marine customer!

četvrtak, 11. kolovoza 2016.

Hot Fix Release Announcement CADWorxPlant 2016

The Intergraph Process, Power & Marine support team has posted for CADWorx Plant Version 2016. This Hot Fix is now available for download from Intergraph's Customer Response System. Further information about what is contained in this Hot Fix is available in the Readme File link shown in the download description on the Service Packs and Fixes page.

To access this Hot Fix, please follow the steps below:
  1. Logon to Intergraph's Customer Response System at
  2. Select the View Downloads tab.
  3. Select CADWorx Plant.
  4. Select Service Packs and Fixes.
  5. Select the download icon or the file link of the Hot Fix.
If you have trouble accessing this Hot Fix or need further information, please file a Service Request for CADWorx Plant 2016, and an analyst will be happy to assist you.

Thank You for being an Intergraph Process, Power & Marine customer!

ponedjeljak, 18. srpnja 2016.

GT STRUDL Webinar - Design & Engineering Integration: Leveraging the Intergraph Enterprise

Have you struggled with errors introduced during the transfer of model data? Would you like engineering resources to solve stress/load issues and not data entry? Are you able to quickly detect a clash before the final model reaches the client or goes to construction?

Intergraph has a suite of solutions that work together to lower costly construction errors or rework from fellow engineers. Learn how GT STRUDL works with our other solutions and what you can do to optimize data exchange and promote better, “more informed” design.

Date: Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Time: 5:00 p.m. CEST Amsterdam

CAESAR II Webinar: Shortening the Learning Curve

Learn CAESAR II quick tips from a seasoned teacher and support provider of the product. This session focuses on the solutions for the most common questions and issues from new CAESAR II users. Trying to learn any new software can sometimes seem like traveling in a foreign land. Similar to foreign cultures and dialects, software has its own distinctive requirements and logic that initially may not be intuitive for the uninitiated user.

In this webinar, experienced CAESAR II application engineer Judy Hodgson, P.E., gives you the answers behind some commonly-encountered questions and hurdles to learning the software. Judy Hodgson explains reasoning behind each question, and you will learn how to make CAESAR II do what you want it to do.

Even the most experienced CAESAR II user can trip up on certain areas if performing an action for the first time. This webinar will help you flatten the learning curve.

Date: Thursday, July 21, 2016
: 5:00 p.m. CEST Amsterdam


petak, 15. srpnja 2016.

Service Pack Release Announcement

The Intergraph Process, Power & Marine support team has posted for PV Elite Version 2016 SP1 (Build This Service Pack is now available for download from Intergraph's Customer Response System. Further information about what is contained in this Service Pack is available in the Readme File link shown in the download description on the Service Packs and Fixes page.

To access this Service Pack, please follow the steps below:
  1. Logon to Intergraph's Customer Response System at
  2. Select the View Downloads tab.
  3. Select PV Elite.
  4. Select Service Packs and Fixes.
  5. Select the download icon or the file link of the Service Pack.
If you have trouble accessing this Service Pack or need further information, please file a Service Request for PV Elite 2016 SP1 (Build, and an analyst will be happy to assist you.

Thank You for being an Intergraph Process, Power & Marine customer!
Note: You have been sent this message because you subscribed to receive support newsletters from Intergraph. To unsubscribe, please reply to this email and ask to be removed or visit to update your subscriptions.

ponedjeljak, 27. lipnja 2016.

Stress Analysis & Flexibility Corrections webinar

Intergraph & Paulin Research Group Joint Technical Webinar 
Title: Stress Analysis & Flexibility Corrections
Presented:  Thursday, June 30, 2016 

Please join us for our next joint technical Webinar series to be given by Tony Paulin, Jr. and the Intergraph Caesar II Group.

Stress Analysis & Flexibility Corrections for Branch Connections, Bends, Heat Exchangers, Vessels, and Pipe Shoes

A number of issues related to SIFs and flexibility factors have been addressed and can have a significant impact on the appropriate analysis of supports, rotating equipment, and stresses in tees and bends. This webinar will highlight those issues and provide examples of how various components can interact.

Important news on upcoming Code changes and changes in FEATools pricing will also be discussed.

Date:         Thursday - June 30, 2016
Time:        10:00 AM CDT
Duration:   60 minutes   

Registration for this Webinar and more informatoin for the Webinar can be found on the Intergraph CAESAR II Webinar web page.


petak, 24. lipnja 2016.

GT STRUDL Webinar - 3 Tips Every Structural Engineer Needs to Know

When using GT STRUDL, do you know the best way to:
•    check your inputs for any structural model,
•    accurately conduct time history analysis, or
•    save time by using our extensive library of super elements?

This month, we'll take a look at these three GT STRUDL best practices for structural modeling and analytics.

Date: Wednesday, June 29

Time: 5:00 p.m. CEST Amsterdam  

CAESAR II Webinar: Stress Analysis & Flexibility Corrections

We invite you to join Tony Paulin as he discusses stress analysis and flexibility corrections for branch connections, bends, heat exchangers, vessels, and pipe shoes.

A number of issues related to SIFs and flexibility factors have been addressed and can have a significant impact on the appropriate analysis of supports, rotating equipment, and stresses in tees and bends. This webinar will highlight those issues and provide examples of how various components can interact.

Date: Thursday, June 30
: 5:00 p.m. CEST Amsterdam


četvrtak, 16. lipnja 2016.

Creating better engineering solutions starts with the right mindset

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." (Albert Einstein). This seems true - finding new, improved ways of thinking and working means developing a new mindset. Continuing to improve what you are doing. Not settling for doing things a certain way because that’s how it has always been done. Discovering ways to work better and more efficiently.

At Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis, we are great believers in continuous improvement. We continue to develop our solutions, look for better ways for engineers to commit their daily tasks, and find new approaches to existing challenges in the industry. It’s more of a mindset and attitude than anything else. The latest examples of these developments include the announcements of the new 2016 versions of Visual Vessel Design and TANK! You can download / watch webinars to learn more about the latest improvements in the software.

We also have some new examples of how we’ve worked together with our customers to improve work processes and enhance efficiency. You can read more about how Italian engineering company STI Engineering designed a waste-to-energy plant, and lowered engineering software cost up to 60%. Similarly, you can learn how WorleyParsons Resources & Energy, Abu Dhabi improved efficiency while executing FEED engineering  and developing upstream facilities and infrastructure to support the production of 1.2 million barrels of oil per day.

In addition, I would like to remind you of the upcoming HxGN LOCAL CAU Houston 2016. You can join on September 19-20 at Houston to become more productive by discovering new ways of working with the CADWorx & Analysis solutions.

Peter van der Weijde
Vice President - Intergraph® CADWorx® & Analysis Europe and Africa