petak, 27. svibnja 2016.

Na nedavno održanom 13. seminaru o tlačnoj opremi predstavili smo se sa najmodernijim tehnologijama u području snimanja postoječeg stanja cjevovoda.
Tvrtka Numikon kao zastupnik tvrtke Intergraph u svojem radu koristi ujedno i sve blagodati softvera koje nudi. Uključivši se u proces 'legalizacije' cjevovoda prije par godina, tvrtka je tražila način kako ubrzati cjelokupnu izradu potrebne dokumentacije. Uz pomoć Intergraphovih softvera, njihove zajedničke intergracije i totalnih stanica Leica u tome se i uspijelo. Ne samo što je time skraćeno vrijeme snimanja trodimenzionalnih modela na terenu i ubrzano vrijeme izrade dokumentacije, nego je time povećana i točnost i smanjene su neželjene greške koje se mogu javiti u postupku. Također je smanjen rizik izlaganja djelatnika povredama tijekom samog snimanja, tj. mjerenja (nepotrebno penjanje, približavanje opasnim mjestima i sl). Učinkovitost je povećana čak šest puta, što je prepoznala i tvrtka Intergraph pa je nedavno objavila 'Case Study' o takvoj primjeni i pristupu takvom načinu rada.
U skladu s time, valja na primjeru prikazati kako svako, koristeći Integraphova rješenja, može biti brži, točniji i konkurentniji.

GT STRUDL Webinar - otkrijte mogučnosti

GT STRUDL Webinar - Discover What's Possible

In May 2016, we took a look at four functions within GT STRUDL®:
  • model mode shape analysis;
  • unstable, disconnected visual detection;
  • moving load application; and
  • response spectrum/time history analysis plot review.

petak, 20. svibnja 2016.


Dear all,

We are proud to announce the release of Visual Vessel Design (VVD) 2016! This new version of Intergraph® Process, Power & Marine’s comprehensive pressure vessel, shell & tube exchanger, and boiler design & analysis solution offers a number of new features to help you to optimize accuracy and efficiency.
Sign up for the What’s New With VVD in 2016 webinar and learn how you can benefit!
Bjorn Ohm, the father figure of VVD who is currently a technical director at Intergraph Process, Power & Marine, will host the webinar. Join us for this free webinar to learn about:
  • A new option that facilitates the creation of new templates from existing files;
  • The QuickDesign option that enables modifying the input of multiple components at the same time for faster design and modification of existing components.
The webinar will also feature the comparison between the Taylor Forge Flange method and the Alternative Flange method to EN 13445 Annex G / EN 1591 (overview of weaknesses, benefits, scope of applicability, etc.), as well as live examples of the methods within the VVD software.

Curious? More information, events, webinars and news can be found on the Analysis Solutions website and Visual Vessel Design webpage.

We look forward to you joining our webinar on June 2!

Best regards,
VVD Webinar: What's New in 2016 – See How You Can Benefit

Thursday, June 2nd
10:00AM CEST

Duration: 60 minutes
Your chance to win an all-inclusive trip to HxGN Local CAU2016!
Apply for the Drivers of Success Award and win a complementary registration to HxGN Local CAU2016 Houston. Learn more here.

utorak, 17. svibnja 2016.

Win an all-inclusive trip to Houston to attend a world-class training for FREE

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Vol.3 | Issue 5 | May 2016
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Peter van der Weijde
Vice President - Intergraph® CADWorx® & Analysis Europe and North Africa
Mark your calendars to join us at HxGN LOCAL CAU Houston 2016
September 19-20 in Houston, Texas...
read more.
Decrease risk and improve productivity at HxGN LOCAL CAU Houston

“Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.” (Warren Buffet). Mr. Buffett, often quoted as the most successful investor in the world, applied the statement to his business ventures, but admittedly, it also seems factual for the engineering industry. 

Doesn’t safe and productive project delivery start by knowing what you are doing and how to do it? Things often start to go terribly wrong if the engineers or plant managers don’t know exactly  what to do, or how to utilize the technology solutions at hand. 

With this in mind, and to enable our clients to better manage risk and improve efficiency, we are happy to announce the upcoming HxGN LOCAL CAU Houston 2016, taking place in Houston on September 19-20, 2016. This annual global user conference brings together Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis users around the globe to attend powerful, advanced technical training, network with product developers and peers whilst learning how Intergraph technology can enhance productivity and efficiency.

In addition, I’d like to invite you all to enroll for the Drivers of Success Awards Competition – share how Intergraph CADWorx, & Analysis solutions have helped you successfully complete a project, for a chance to win an all-inclusive trip to Houston and to attend the world-class training for FREE. Don’t miss the opportunity, share your story NOW here.

For more information about the HxGN LOCAL CAU, please visit our Insider blog, or contact Marjolaine Chevalier. And don’t miss your opportunity for a 500 USD savings on the registration rate and register here before May 25!
As a pipe stress engineer, your work probably presents you with new situations that require additional research or more. 
Change is the only constant. It's an old saying, but it is as current now as it has ever been. It's been widely acknowledged that... read more.

Remember having to painfully labor through manual calculations for your pressure vessel analysis? Seemingly endless dark times ... read more.

Last month, we talked about bidding on jobs and the business benefits of improved efficiencies, but what about... read more.